Moonrise Kingdom 月昇冒險王國

A film by Wes Anderson 魏斯·安德森所製的影片
This was an experiment short animation I did using Adobe After Effects. The idea was to recreate the following scene on Adobe Illustrator and apply what I learned by watching youtube tutorials.

這是一個我使用Adobe After Effects所做的實驗短動畫,主要是為了在Adobe Illustrator上重新呈現以下的場景以及運用我在youtube教學上所學到的技巧。
Movie sequence shots 電影序列鏡頭
Vector Illustration 向量繪圖
Animation Process 動畫過程
Since After Effects cannot process the gradients from vector files, I manually reapplied them on each layer:

因為After Effects(後製效果)無法從向量檔案處理漸層,我手動重新運用在每一層上:
Later, I created 5 pre-compositions to keep the layers more organized and easier to animate. For the clouds on the front, I wanted them waving while the ones on the back to be scrolling horizontally to the left.

To animate the binocular, I added the effect repeater (which works similar to Adobe Illustrator's blend) to make it look like it's 3D and created two more fingers for each hand. This short animation took me around 2 days to finish.

為了讓雙筒望遠鏡可以變成動畫,我加上了特效重複(效果與 Adobe Illustrator’s blend 類似)讓他變得更立體,並且為每隻手加上了兩根手指。這個短短的動畫花了我兩天的時間去完成。
Tutorials used to create this animation 用於創建此動畫的教程
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